Uninstalling clients hosted on client Server
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On notice of termination
- Create a single license restriction covering all previous years (and periods if mid-year termination), for all modules and with the usual seven days grace period, so that the client cannot create documents dated outside the period paid for.
- In NEOSYS, set the expiry date of all active user accounts to 1 day after termination date.
- Create Thunderbird reminder for the last day of contract, to disable autostart in the container's lxc config edit.
- Follow steps in https://itwiki.neosys.com/index.php/Preventing_access_after_termination
On the day after termination:
- In support home page (support.htm), strike-through the terminated client's link.
- Stop recording daily backup of the databases in Google drive spreadsheet.
- In Nagios, comment out all entries related to the terminating client.
- If you still have access to the client host machine, change container ip address in lxc config edit.
- Remove client from 'Daily List of Open Ports' report to support@neosys.com (bkup: scanports/neosys.com/authports.txt file).
- In dev, edit doall, comment out the line corresponding to the client being uninstalled. Commit and push the changes to neosys git.
- Create Thunderbird reminder to permanently delete/clean up after a year.
Permanent deletion
- Remove the terminated client's link from support home page (support.htm).
- In dev, edit doall, delete the line corresponding to the client being uninstalled. Commit and push the changes to neosys git.
- Delete the associated entry from Zone Edit.
- In Nagios, delete all lines related to the terminated client.