Template:Handling errors
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- Replicate the error on all browsers after ensuring that the browsers have script error notifications enabled.
- Check in all the wikis for a solution.
- If there is no immediate fix for the issue, try to find and provide a temporary workaround for the issue, which the client can use until the error is fixed.
- If the issue is new, do a thorough investigation (eg. check NEOSYS logs) and try to find a solution for the issue.
- If you still cannot find a fix for the issue, then escalate the issue to your manager with an explanation of the issue and the exact steps to reproduce the error.
- When sending screenshots of the issue to your manager, the top-left of the browser MUST be visible so that it is clear which browser, URL and database is used.
- Ensure that script errors (if any) are included in the screenshots.
- Report the error to support team, do not ignore the error and move forward.
- When requesting the programmer to fix the issue, explain WHAT has to be fixed and HOW it has to be fixed. Refer to Handeling request to create a new feature or modiying existing features
- The most important step when solving any problem is Future Prevention. eg. add the solution to wiki, so that support spends lesser time fixing the problem in future.