Installing & Configuring Apache
The majority of Apache installation and configuration is performed by ~/Nextcloud/Support/IT/ script.
(In the following commands, replace <XXX> with corresponding value)
1. If installing NEOSYS on client hosted server continue to step 2, otherwise if installing on NEOSYS hosted server i.e win3 then skip to step 9.
2. Copy the installation script to the server's D drive.
scp -P <SSHPORTNO> ~/Nextcloud/support/IT/initapache/initapache_v<LATESTVERSIONNO>.sh administrator@<HOSTNAME>
3. Open Cygwin as administrator on server. (Shift + Right click) and convert the installation script into W indows format. (Otherwise script execution will contain syntax errors "\r", due to the different characters use by Linux and windows for new lines)
d2u D:/
5. Execute script.
6. The script will proceed to do a number of verifications on system. If all test are okay, enter 'Y' to start installation as prompted to do so.
Verify OK to proceed -------------------- Port: 443 Dir: D:/neosys/ Root: /d ------------------------------------- OK to start? (Y=Yes)
7. A Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 installation window will popup, follow the steps to install. (If already installed like on win3, hit cancel)
8. Then you will be prompted to install the certificates from nl19/bkup. Follow the instructions to edit / (This script simply copies latest LetsEncrypt certificate into D:/Apache24)
9. If the client is on win3, add the new client site to D:\Apache24\conf\neosys2.conf using existing clients as an example. (Make sure to arrange in alphabetical order)
10. Test if you can access NEOSYS login.
- If on client hosted server use: http://localhost
- If on win3 use https://<CLIENTHOSTNAME>
11. In the new client's NEOSYS/DATA folder, create a text file, enter '720' and save as 'DATA.CFG'.
For any issues check the script and neosys.conf file for solutions.