Uninstalling clients hosted on NEOSYS Server
This must be done in the following circumstances:
- Reinstallation on other servers
- Reinstallation on clients own server
- Termination of contract
- Any other reason
NEOSYS needs to:
- Ensure that the databases can no longer be logged in to by accident or design.
- Ensure that for a reasonable period of time that NEOSYS can be re-enabled in case of error or change in circumstances.
Include admin@neosys.com when sending emails regarding this subject.
Stage 1. Disabling
1. Ensure that the services for the client being uninstalled have been stopped.
./doall <dbname> stop
2. Delete the website
./doall <dbname> delete_site
3. Disable the service, otherwise the services will start up every time ex1 reboots.
./doall <dbname> disable
4. In ~/hosts/clients.cfg, comment out the line corresponding to the client being uninstalled.
5. Comment the lines for the stopped installation in the Nagios config file so that Nagios stops alerting for it. (edit: genclients.sh)
6. Strike-through the terminated client's link on support home page (support.htm).
7. Create Thunderbird reminder to permanently delete the client 1 year later.
Stage 2. Permanent Deletion
We keep ex client data for up to one year before deleting, but after this period:
1. Retain a copy of the client's latest backup sql.gz file in a separate directory (in ex1:/backups/current/deleted as of 3/4/2023)
2. Delete the database and service
sudo -u postgres dropdb <dbname> sudo -u postgres dropdb <dbname_test> ./doall <dbname> delete_service
3. Delete client directory from /root/hosts directory.
rm -r ~/hosts/<dbname>
4. Remove the terminated client's link from support home page (support.htm).
5. Delete the associated entry from Zone Edit.
6. In ~/hosts/clients.cfg, delete the line corresponding to the client being uninstalled.
7. Delete the lines for the stopped installation in the Nagios config file (edit: genclients.sh).