EXODUS Knowledge
TMUX Screens
To create the EXODUS maintenance/programming environment
exodus#: ./tmux.exodus
0: / Work regarding exodus server. i.e /etc/nagios or general networking or /var/log/mail.log 1: /root/exodus/ Exodus core is installed Contains build and make libraries here ./libexodus 2: /root/exodus/libexodus/exodus Core exodus (libraries that emulate the AREV system e.g mv.h ) 3: /root/exodus/cli/src Exodus Command Line Interface e.g edir, edic, list, listfiles, delete, createdb 4: root/exodus/service EXODUS core default host directory but also contains scripts that create/manage requirements of a service (create_service, create_db, create_site, backup_db, restore_db, start, stop, status) One exception is NEOSYS www files are in ./www, which pulled from NEOSYS www git. 5: /root/exodus/service/src Exodus core service programs (programs that are not related to NEOSYS agency operations and can be used to support other non-NEOSYS services) eg listen, usersubs, sendmail, openfile, select, sort, list,. Extra info: sql directory contains basic dictiorary files converted to sql instructions used when creating a EXODUS psql database e.g dict_voc.sql is a file that describes what to expect in certain fields of the voc file. TODO: compall currently throws few warnings. Read them and familiarise. In case new warnings appear, notify Steve. 6: /root/neosys NEOSYS specific client installation management scripts e.g .doall, import_db and import_files (from AREV), ./run ./test (see below for these two commands) 7: /root/neosys/src NEOSYS Agency programs (see section How AREV programs are distributed in EXODUS src/*.cpp ../ has .git 8: /root/hosts client specific files e.g logs, images, (shared ./www -> root/exodus/service/www 9: /root/exodus/test/src series of programs that test whether subroutines (specifically Exodus core libraries) work as they should eg for the var lib - "assert( var("11111").isnum());" 10: bash /bin/top Monitor for NEOSYS client processes Displays customised format: sorted by total time spend and by processor time. Press "=" : to change to standard top format Press shift + w : to save format settings, replacing the old customised top format To go back to the customised format do: Press "o" Type "COMMAND=serve_agy" shift + t : this sorts by total time spent shift + p : this sorts by processor time shift + w : to save this setting and enter 'y' to confirm 11: /var/log/syslog Log of NEOSYS client requests 12: /root/exodus/service/quick Displays the last time the svr file (in /root/hosts/<client>/data/<dbname>) was updated.
Object Code/Libraries
LIVE and TEST processes use different sets of object code. TEST processes use libraries in ~/lib/, whereas LIVE processes use object code in ~/neo/lib
This means development & testing can be done stress free on TEST database, as opposed to testing on production databases.
When compiling using edic, the TEST object code is updated if the compilation is successful. (~/lib) In order to apply a tested patch to LIVE see Update LIVE programs.
Dictionaries, the files used to describe the fields of a file's record. Unlike in AREV, there is a copy of all dictionaries in each pgsql database (In AREV, updating a dictionary would affect all the databases).
The TEST process for all database use the same object code stored in /root/lib, whereas all LIVE process use the object code in /root/neo/.
Connect into postgres shell:
sudo -u postgres psql
List databases once in postgres shell:
Delete a database:
sudo -u postgres dropdb <dbcode>
Screen 6: ./doall script contains all the necessary information(codes) to setup an installation. It includes scripts to backup, restore, create an Apache site, create/start/stop/status a service, import an AREV database into postgres and more.
- Does a backup & restore of a LIVE database into the corresponding TEST database.
- Backup <dbcode>.sql file is written to /root/backups/sql; which is rsynced to nl19:/backups/current/exodus/
- Unlike AREV, postgres can perform a "backup" of a database whilst the system is in use.
There are two repositories, one for EXODUS and the other for NEOSYS.
Using git to make changes
Before following steps you must have a tested updated to a program/file/script. Do not commit untested changes to avoid a messy git history of reverts.
Update your local repo before committing to local repo using the g alias for "git pull --ff-only ; git push && git status'":
Check which updates/files have not yet been staged and/or committed: Add your updates to the staged area:
git add <filename>
or if all the changes made need to be staged:
git add -a
Make a commit with a descriptive message on purpose of updates:
git commit -m <description n purpose of changes>
Again use g alias:
Other useful git cmds
Do not use this commands unless you know what WILL happen.
- git pull - Instead use the safe "git pull --ff-only"
Stick to the alias "g" which does "git pull --ff-only ; git push && git status'"
- git log - display history of commits to master branch
- git diff - display the differences in files between working files and files in local repo.
- git status - display: which updated files are staged/not staged(tracked)
- git stash -
- git branch - switch to a new branch
- git branch <branchname> - will switch to this branch only if it exists
- git checkout - DESTROYS/Updates the state of local working directory with the state of the files in the local repo. (YOU WILL LOSE non staged updates)
- git restore <filename> - DESTROYS/Updates the file with the version in the local repo. (like with git checkout but for a specific file)
- git checkin -
- git revert <commitHash> - reverses a specific commit (use git log to get the chosen commit hash)
- git ..
Converting AREV programs to EXODUS
Decompile AREV to C++
Do in Master AREV Installation Maintenance mode: (win7)
- ADECOM <programname> *single program
- ADECOM <prog1> <prog2>
- ADECOMALL *all programs (CHECK FIRST)
Include the option "(V)" in the command to print the C++ to a notepad, which can easily be copy and pasted.
Getting C++ program to Exodus Installation
Two methods: (use the first for one off programs)
Copy & Paste
Compile program and open source code in notepad
ADECOM <programname> (V)
Find which directory the program belongs. e.g fin/med/job/sys e.t
find /cygdrive/d/exodus/pickos | grep <program name>
If cpp in SYS, the program belongs in ~/exodus/service/src OR if in MED JOB FIN GEN AGY the program belongs in ~/neosys/src
Copy the source code in the text file from the first command.
In Exodus, create a new .cpp (in correct directory) and paste the source code.
Compile & Test
Run: /d/exodus/arev/syncup.sh
- If cpp in SYS then: ~/exodus/service/src ./getpickos
- If cpp in MED JOB FIN GEN AGY then: *~/neosys/src
Compile C++ files to TEST system
- ./test <DBNAME>
- ~/neosys ./doall TEST <DBNAME> restart #to get one service to start start using the new lib files
- ~/neosys ./doall TEST all restart #to get all the services to start start using the new lib files
Install C++ files to LIVE System
- ~/exodus/service/ ./copyall #to copy all the ~/lib and bin files to ~/live/lib and bin ... which is used by all exodus/live services
Writing Standard Exodus Core Function/Method Testing
Screen 9: ~/exodus/test/src/ There are a series of test programs that check whether methods/functions behave as intended. They do this using the function, assert.. a 1 or more argument values produce one and only one output)
e.g test_multilang.cpp or test_sort.cpp
Two methods of running test programs:
- Screen 9: make test
- after compiling using edic/compile/c, enter test_prog_name. (Since compile has moved it to ~/bin)
Difference between the two methods is make calls gdb directly; whereas ~/bin/test_prog_name uses exodus compile program
- ~/neosys ./doall LIVE all restart
Updating a pgsql function in an exodus dictionary
Troubleshooting postfix emailing issues
To view current configuration in main.cf
postconf -n
To update the value of a parameter
postconf relayhost=mailout.neosys.com:2500
To restart postfix service
service postfix restart
Send a test email using "mail" and watch the logs to verify
mail <email> journalctl -f
Development and deployment using 'dat' files
Part of system development is the creation of various data that is neither programs nor layout i.e. not cpp, h, html, js, php files etc.
For example:
- Dictionaries are data about data.
- Language files are data about text to use for various languages.
- “Change logs” are data about changes in the system.
Historically, in EXODUS and NEOSYS, the above data has been deployed in exodus database files using SQL text files. However SQL files are not convenient for development.
Therefore, 'dat' text files will be used now so that standard development tools including editors and git can be fully exploited.
'dat' files
Each database file is represented by an os directory of the same name.
Each record in the database file is represented by an os text file where filename is the primary key.
For example a record with key DEADLINE in a dat file dict.materials would be represented as an os text file dat/dict.materials/DEADLINE
Each line in the os text file represents one field in the db record. In other words, db record FM characters are represented by new line characters in 'dat' files. Any actual new line characters required in the record, and any backslashes, are escaped and appear as '\n' and '\\' in 'dat' files. Other database field separator characters such as VM, SM, TM and STM are stored without any conversion.
Location of dat files
The development versions are stored in exodus and neosys src/dat dirs. They form part of the standard git repositories in parallel with cpp files.
The operational versions are stored in ~/dat and ~/live/dat alongside bin and lib dirs and are automatically installed into databases as database files on service startup. Any database functions embedded in the text files (pgsql) are also automatically installed at the same time.
Editing and deploying a 'dat' file
It is currently a three step process to edit and deploy such 'dat' files.
Edit the 'dat' file
Note that EXODUS service and NEOSYS service have different src/dat folders.
Editing language items:
edir dat/alanguage/SCHEDULES*ARABIC
Editing a dictionary item:
edir dat/dict.materials/DEADLINE
Editing a pgsql function in a dictionary:
edir dat/dict.materials/DEADLINE 8
Copy all 'dat' files to ~/dat
This step might be removed at a later date.
This will cause all test databases to immediately restart and load any 'dat' file changes into dictionaries and data files and also create any new or modified pgsql functions.
If any ~/neosys/src/dat files were edited:
cd ~/neosys/src ./compall dat
and/or, if exodus/service/dat files were edited
cd ~/exodus/service/src ./compall dat
Copy all programs and 'dat' files to ~/live/bin|lib|dat
This should only be run after testing. It will cause all live databases to automatically restart and do the same as the test databases mentioned above.
cd ~/exodus/service ./copyall CONFIRM