New Employee Training Checklist

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Revision as of 05:14, 8 January 2015 by Ruku (talk | contribs) (→‎Day 1)
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Day 1

  1. Create email Id eg :-
  2. Download and install Mozilla Thunderbird, Firefox, Google Talk, Dropbox, Skype, Lightshot, Cute PDF, Teamviewer 9, Kayako Live Response and Bitvise Tunnelier version 4.40 (later versions of Tunnelier do not connect to certain client servers and ask to verify the logon credentials). Setup files for these software are available in the NEOSYS staff dropbox folder
  3. Create Skype ID eg:- firstname.neosys
  4. Create an account in Dropbox using the gmail account
  5. Create Thunderbird inboxes,, . See Configuring Thunderbird
  6. Create signature in Thunderbird
  7. Create password for the computer/laptop
  8. Mails are sent out in Calibri font with font size 11
  9. Password file:- This file contains all usernames and passwords. File name should be generic. The file is password protected, please refer link to create appropriate password for the file ( File should be placed under nested folders. The aim is to protect the file from being
  10. Create file to store client info ( clients details) column names:- host name, company name , location of company, time zone, which server is the NEOSYS hosted
  11. Configure your browsers according to Configuring Browsers to show Javascript errors and set as Firefox home page
  12. Go through Procedures in wiki
  13. Introduce nagios
  14. Read wiki page “Backup and Restore”
  15. Support suit login ID , wiki ID

Day 2

  1. Check the clients file
  2. Explain backup procedure
  3. Show backup emails
  4. Share backup files
  5. Make the candidate do the morning backup-check routine.
  6. Explain
  7. Explain different backup failures
  8. Various checks on why and how a backup failed. ( mail in inbox, nagios trends, neosys log, server event viewer)
  9. Share canned file
  10. NEOSYS login page and configuring NEOSYS

Day 3

  1. Go through Canned mails.
  2. Show examples on when each canned mails can be sent
  3. Do backups for the day. Mark backup in backup file.
  4. Schedule downtime on nagios
  5. Various errors in Troubleshooting nagios to be looked at

Day 4

  1. Handle backup issues, critical issues on nagios
  2. Email clients if they need to be informed about issues.
  3. Explain Getting Started and NEOSYS login process
  4. Explain Media Schedule (per brand, Client Brand file, Vehicle file, specification, material, dates, free ads, Supplier file, booking, certifying, invoicing)

Day 5

  1. 2 Assignments on Schedules ( booking, cancelation, rebooking, certify & invoicing )
  2. Creating on various client and brand , vehicle and supplier files
  3. Practice Media module

Day 6

  1. Handling damaged file with examples
  2. Quiz on Procedures, Nagios and Handling damaged files

Day 7

  1. Jobs Module completely and practice
  2. Explain Authorisation file (locks and keys, user ID , various levels etc)

Day 8

  1. How to Upgrade NEOSYS
  2. Upgrade a client
  3. Tested on TEST installation.
  4. Explain Zone edit, DNS

Day 9

  1. Free ads in Media schedule , how to replicate issues of clients
  2. Backup and Restoring NEOSYS
  3. Moving NEOSYS to new server/location etc
  4. Consolidated Backup (
  5. System configuration file features and testing each field

Day 10

  1. Request for a quick demo from the new staff